Refactoring the Monolith: Choosing the Right Application Strategy for Cloud Readiness

E5 May 16, 2024, 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM

Blaize Stewart

Architect at Xpirit/Xebia -- Microsoft MVP, MCT, & Partner Cloud Solutions Architect

Cloud migration journey is often initiated with a 'lift and shift' approach, promising swift migration to the cloud. However, while this method provides a quick entry into the cloud ecosystem, the long-term cost implications can be challenging to digest. To address this, forward-thinking organizations opt for application refactoring, a strategic process that transforms applications into a cloud-native architecture, resulting in cost savings and enhanced resilience, scalability, and performance.

In this session, we will delve deep into application refactoring, exploring various strategies that range from minor tweaks to comprehensive overhauls. We’ll weigh the level of effort required against the anticipated return on investment, offering you a valuable framework for informed decision-making as you navigate your cloud migration journey. It's sure to be an insightful discussion that goes beyond the surface, providing you with concrete insights and strategies to maximize the benefits of cloud adoption while effectively managing costs. Discover how to future-proof your applications, streamline operations, and unlock the full potential of cloud technology.

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