Implement BankID as login method in ASP.NET in an hour

M5 May 17, 2024, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM

Elin Fokine

IT Consultant and Developer at Active Solution

Swedish BankID has over 8 million unique users and over 99 percent of the Swedish citizens in the age span from 18 to 65 have a BankID. The number of organizations using BankID for signing or identification in their applications has doubled during the last three years and the number keeps growing. Many organizations want to benefit from the increased security BankID as an authentication method offers to their applications but find it complex to get started with the implementation.

In this session we will go through how you as a .NET developer can use BankID as authentication method in your web applications. Thanks to the open-source component Active Login it is possible to enable logging in with BankID in your application in just one hour. During this session you will also learn more about how BankID works, the latest news from BankID and how you as a developer can get started with BankID in your organization’s applications.

Security Programming languages

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