Demystifying Azure Security for Developers

M5 May 16, 2024, 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM

Kevin Dockx


For a lot of us, Azure security is a bit of a black box. Does something like "Oh, ok, so the documentation says that if I click "Enable managed identity" here, it should secure my service, so let's do that" sound familiar? In that case: have you ever wondered what that does beneath the covers? How it is safe? And... what's up with those user-assigned vs system-assigned managed identities? And… what actually happens when you enable a front-end flow? And… how enabling access to an API exposes the API in a secure manner? And much more.

This rather theoretical yet enormously interesting ;-) session is for those of you who work with Azure, secure your applications with it and want to understand how all of that really works beneath the covers.

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