.NET in a Box: Containerizing .NET Applications

E4 May 17, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM

Chris Ayers

Senior Customer Engineer @ Microsoft

The rapid rise of microservices and cloud-native applications underscores a pressing opportunity for developers: achieving seamless scalability, portability, and amazing efficiency for .NET applications.

In this session, participants will be taken on a journey into the heart of containerizing .NET applications. From understanding the core tenets of container orchestration to discovering the secrets of achieving peak application performance within a container, this talk is a deep dive into the world of .NET and containers. We'll also touch upon ensuring top-notch security in a containerized ecosystem, and how to best leverage tools and technologies to supercharge your .NET container deployment.

Don't miss this opportunity to redefine your .NET development paradigm. Join us and be part of the container revolution, ensuring your .NET applications are future-ready!

.NET Architecture

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