Pre-Conference Workshop: Clean Architecture in Practice with Hannes Lowette

Kistamässan May 15, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Hannes Lowette

Head of Learning & Development @ Axxes; Microsoft MVP

A good application architecture should allow you to respond to change, without complicating new development too much. Being able to write readable and testable code is often a concern for teams, and thus they apply the principles that are outlined in the Clean Code book by Robert C. Martin. When those principles get extrapolated to an architecture level, we arrive at Clean Architecture.

Building onto the principles of Clean Code and SOLID, we will build an API that uses the Clean Architecture principles to structure its code. Structuring your solutions in this way will help you produce a codebase that is easier to change and maintain.

To make sure we focus on the principles and patterns, we will avoid using external libraries as much as we can. This will also make it easier for people who don’t work in C# daily to follow this workshop and take home the concepts.

This workshop will cover

  • The SOLID principles
  • Structuring code into components
  • Building clean abstractions
  • Using a database in a Clean Architecture scenario
  • Integrating with external systems

To attend this workshop, you should be a developer with:

  • An understanding of the C# programming language
  • A basic knowledge of how to use a SQL Server database from code

About Hannes Lowette

Hannes is a developer, a coach and a father of 3.

In .NET development, he has always had a passion for performance, databases, distributed systems and large scale applications. But most of all, he likes playing devil’s advocate in technical discussions by drawing the ‘it depends’ card.

Get to know Hannes Lowette better 


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