C# Guidelines – Updated for 2024

M1 May 16, 2024, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM

Mark Michaelis

Chief Technical Nerd, Author of Essential C# series, MVP/RD

With the release of C# 11.0 & 12 comes a host of coding choices that are non-trivial to resolve. In this session, we will quickly review the new C# features and provide guidelines for using them. Questions such as when to use a record type declaration, what about global using statements vs. project elements, required modifier, or should I ever not use file scoped namespace declarations. We also outline the recent improvements on declaring a non-nullable reference type property without incurring C# warnings. The recent C# feature additions seem simple initially, but there are numerous idiosyncrasies to wrestle with. Don't miss out on this session to understand the internals of modern C#, when to best leverage recent features, and how they improve the language.

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