Application Architecture Patterns

M2 May 17, 2024, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM

Joseph Guadagno

.NET Foundation Board of Directors (President), Organizer of Desert Code Camp, "Microsoft Developer Services" MVP, Telerik Ninja, and VP of IT at RT²

Architecting an application can be challenging. What do you do to keep your application flexible to ever-constant requirement changes? How do you handle landscape changes (cloud, on-premises, databases)? How do you avoid over-engineering the application? How do I make sure my application plays well with other applications?

In this session, we'll take a look at some well-understood and practiced Software Architecture patterns. We'll cover these patterns at a high level to understand how to use these patterns in different scenarios.

You'll walk away with some knowledge, tips, and tricks that you'll be able to use for new and existing applications.


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