AI Lofi HipHop - How Not To Generate AI Music

E8 May 17, 2024, 2:20 PM - 3:10 PM

Elias Schecke

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, IT-Consultant

Jonas Mayer

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Senior Consultant

How good could AI generated Music possibly be? To answer this question, we created a 24/7 live stream that plays lofi HipHop, generated in realtime by AI.

Music is constantly changing - from live music to vinyl records and all the way to lofi HipHop live streams on YouTube. At the peak of the AI hype, the TNG Innovation Hacking Team launched an attempt to find the next logical step: An endless stream of ever-fresh music, composed and produced exclusively by algorithms and AI. The result "AI lofi radio" is a fatiguing 24/7 live stream, fed by custom software that combines different AI models with real-time music production libraries.

This talk gives an insights on AI-driven music production from a naive IT-perspective. To cover the basics, we will take a look under the hood of how music is stored and processed on our computers. After this, we show how we can leverage different AI models to generate sheet music or directly generate audio files. With the theory covered, we will share the thought process for building a lofi HipHop generator and elaborate on our key learnings. We show how to generate relaxed drum grooves with a fitting melody and how to synthesize these in code. As custom for the Innovation Hacking Team, we will keep things fresh throughout the talk with a plethora of live demos.

AI & Machine Learning

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