The Chips and Pickle Story: What's Really Behind Infamous, Historic UI Failures?

E5 May 17, 2024, 1:10 PM - 2:00 PM

Dean Schuster

Dean Schuster, UX Strategy Expert and Partner in Truematter

Even the smallest design flaws can have a seismic effect on business. Yet development teams continually miss the little things. Why? Join me on a tour of seemingly insignificant interface quirks (and the larger flaws behind them) that have changed history, caused mass panic, otherwise upended society, and completely ruined my sandwich.

Because screens are central to modern life, our day-to-day work has monumental purpose and value. We banish interface rage, help businesses save and make serious money. We keep people safe from disaster and yes, pickles.

You'll come away with a stronger sense of purpose in the smallest details and broader context of your truly important development work.


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