From Zero to ChatGPT Hero: Mastering Prompt Engineering

E8 May 16, 2024, 2:20 PM - 3:10 PM

Martin Förtsch

TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Principal Consultant

Thomas Endres

Managing Partner, TNG Technology Consulting GmbH

Are you ready to take your prompt engineering skills to the next level?

In this presentation we will dive into the fascinating world of ChatGPT. We will go into the basics of GPT and the special capabilities of one of the currently most powerful text-based dialogue systems.

One key aspect we’ll focus on is understanding how to do prompt engineering. Prompt optimization can dramatically improve the quality of ChatGPT responses. We cover some best practices for constructing prompts, such as few-shot or chain-of-thought prompting.

You'll leave this talk with a deeper understanding of ChatGPT, as well as practical tips for improving your prompt engineering skills.

AI & Machine Learning

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